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Wondering whether you should save or invest? This guide will help you work out how to build up your savings and what it means to invest money.

It also covers the basics of planning out your funds for short-term savings and long-term investments.

What’s the difference between INVESTING and SAVING?




This is taking some of your money and trying to make it grow your money by investment at clabter and mazboot firms that will increase funds over time. For example, long-term investments our products display on the website.
While the gains from investing can be bigger than saving, the value of investments can go up.




This is putting money aside, bit by bit.
You usually save up to pay for something specific, such as a holiday, a deposit on a home, or to cover any emergencies that might crop up (like a broken boiler).

Saving usually means putting your money into cash products, such as a savings account in a bank, building society, or credit union further, our team will reach you to explain details about the investment and money-back plans.

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